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  • Writer's pictureOn the Edge With Andrew Gold

Ep. 2: Zoltan Istvan believes we can live forever

Do you want to live forever? I know I do. Here, Zoltan Istvan - a leading light in the Transhumanist movement - tells the On the Edge with Andrew Gold podcast how we can move beyond our physical human limitations (hence the trans-human name) and into an age of immortality.

Welcome to my second ever podcast, which is double the number of my first one last week. If you missed that, do go back and listen, it was an absolute belter with Nate Phelps, defector from the Westboro Baptist Church. But now, I hope I don’t sound too much like a sycophant when I tell you how I excited I am to introduce my chat with Zoltan Istvan.

Zoltan is frankly one of the most interesting people in the world. He believes very strongly that we can and will achieve immortality – far sooner than many of us may think. While some people – who Zoltan calls Deathists – find the idea of living forever abhorrent, many of us see it as our saving grace. The very idea has sparked thousands of years of religious practices, traditions…and war. Essentially, we don’t want to die.

And former National Geographic correspondent Zoltan is at the forefront of that movement. Like a futuristic evangelist, he tours the US in the so-called Immortality Bus – shaped like a coffin - promoting the concept that death is a merely a disease waiting to be cured. He opens doors with a chip in his hand, has written sci-fi novels and is currently making a documentary about the immortality industry.

In our chat on On the Edge with Andrew Gold podcast, he tells me about how he just ran for president, how he believes we can bring people back from the dead through something called quantum archaeology and tells me what inspired him to want to live forever. He’s great company and full of enthusiasm, so I hope by the end of this episode, you’ll also want him to stick around.

Subscribe to the podcast on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google or Castbox among others. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram.

And if you liked this podcast, try some of my others, including the Coffin Confessor who reveals the secrets of the deceased at their funerals, the man who accidentally killed his wife and the female Mormon psychopath.

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